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Just like breastfeeding, traveling with a baby did not come naturally to me. I had to muster the courage to travel solo with my baby girl. As a matter of fact, I did not do it until after her 1st birthday. From a weekend getaway with friends to day trips to the local beaches, I had to work up the courage to get on that plane by myself with my little girl. We were only in the air for 90 minutes but I was a nervous wreck the whole time.  Then a 90-minute plane ride became a four-hour road trip, then a seven-hour driving adventure. We soon found ourselves road tripping across 6 states over a period of 2 weeks. We’ve been exploring different parts of the country. And we love it so much that we are now on a mission to discover all 50 states.

Wish us luck! 

Meet Mom


Originally from the beautiful island of Madagascar, I came to this country by way of Europe and Asia decades ago. I now call Maryland home. I love exploring and am passionate about traveling that I recently started a career in it, but that’s another story 🙂 

Meet Daughter


a.k.a Harmony

Bookworm extraordinaire with a love for all things magical. She proudly rocks her Hufflepuff colors. When she’s not lost in the pages of a captivating story, you can find her exploring the world with her mom. Harmony is the ultimate travel companion! With her curious mind, adventurous spirit, and infectious humour, she’ll turn any trip into an unforgettable journey. 

I started this blog to inspire and encourage my fellow single parents and parents in general to take the plunge and travel with their little kiddos. Don’t delay what could be an amazing experience with your family! Your kids will be forever grateful for the memories. If you are worried they won’t remember the trips, fret not because YOU will! Plus that’s what cameras are for 🙂

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